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Customised Solutions

Do you want to develop and realise a customised solution with us?




Gas mixing: complete solutions from a single source

Bringing a respiratory device for infants to mass-production within five months? Developing an automated gas control system for flame-cutting machines? The fact that this are completely different products is irrelevant, because we don’t think in terms of industries, we think in terms of solutions. Let these true stories demonstrate to you how Bürkert makes wishes come true and more.

“Big solution for tiny lungs.”

“We're now always a cut above the rest.”

We regulate gas

Because we think beyond the indus-try’s horizon, we are repeatedly tapping into fascinating connections. And because we use them to come up with unconventional solutions, our clients trust us with very special requests.
However, we not only try to meet these requests, we also use them as our inspiration to think one step ahead and offer complete solutions from a single source.

“Big solution for tiny lungs.”

Client Meeting

Half a billion. That’s how many breaths a person takes by the time he or she reaches the age of 78. Each breath is precious – and none is as moving as the first. Sometimes small lungs need a little support.

Respiratory support

Our client has taken on a meaningful job. It develops respiratory systems that help newborns when they need it.


Around one in ten babies are born before the end the 37th week of a pregnancy. Because premature infant lungs are often not yet mature, these babies are particularly prone to breathing problems. In some cases, they do not instinctively respond to a lack of oxygen by taking a rapid flat breaths. To a certain degree, their bodies forget to breathe.

CPAP breathing

Premature babies are therefore carefully monitored in intensive care units and often use a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or CPAP machine. If needed, these devices are also accompanied by machines that support breathing at a frequency of up to 15 Hz. CPAP treatment is used for newborns who are, in principle, able to breathe, but need help to stabilize their airways. To this end, a mixture of air and oxygen is supplied to the machine.

The Bürkert Solution

Because technology should not be unnecessarily complex when a baby’s start in life is already difficult enough. In working with us, our client was able to develop a device that supports high-frequency breathing up to 20 Hz and also allows the use of an NCPAP device even for premature infants.


Have a look how Bürkert solves the problem:







“We’re now always a cut above the rest.”

Client Meeting

If you work with flame cutters, you will know the problem: The quality of the actual cut depends on many variables. The cutting speed, the distance of the torch nozzle to the workpiece as well as the size and design of the nozzle are crucial factors – and, last but not least, the type of gas supply.

Flame cutting


If the gas supply of the flame cutter is controlled mechanically/manually, the cutting quality is influenced significantly by the know-how of the respective operators. Incorrect adjustments cannot be excluded fully and can have some very undesired consequences.

The Bürkert Solution

We have designed the gas supply as a compact integrated unit. It only has to be connected – and can now be positioned in the immediate vicinity of or even on the torch. The gas pressure levels and the controller parameters are set and defined automatically via a digital communication interface. Specific control functions are integrated directly in the gas supply. Individual components are not required for this solution, thus reducing the amount of material and effort considerably.